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Home Wellness Ambassadors

The Osher Center for Integrative Health (OCIH) launched its ambassadorship program in the Fall of 2018 to encourage and equip employees with a passion for living well and worksite wellness. It is through this program that wellness initiatives are spread, elevating a culture of wellness throughout campus.

OCIH Ambassadors are invited to sign up to receive monthly emails filled with curated wellness culture content. These newsletters highlight programming from various wellness domains including mindfulness, resilience, healthy eating, reducing sedentary time and promoting physical activity, all of which are readily brought back to your working teams and offices.

Become an Ambassador

Ambassadors receive monthly, curated content to affect wellness culture in their department, clinic, office, or work group. Learning and disseminating wellness information and OCIH initiatives is expected of our ambassadors. Please join us! If you're ready, you can start by filling out the form below.


Wellness Ambassador Role and Responsibilities

  • Be a role model for other employees by actively working to improve personal health.
  • Participate in at least two wellness programs offered by OCIH each semester.
  • Promote wellness programs within your work environment and encourage your co-workers to participate.
  • Participate in meetings with OCIH and other wellness professionals to learn about and discuss current program offerings, provide input and offer feedback about the program’s value and impact on employee wellbeing.
  • Share your story with OCIH.

OCIH Role and Responsibilities

  • Offer a variety of programs and resources to support employees in their wellness goals.
  • Provide appropriate communication about employee wellness programs and opportunities with Ambassadors.
  • Create a safe environment for Ambassadors to provide constructive input and feedback about wellness initiatives.
  • Collaborate with health and wellness experts to offer training and resources for Ambassadors to help motivate and engage co-workers to make healthy choices.
  • Reach out to department supervisors to inform them of wellness initiatives and encourage their support for their employees.
Wellness Ambassador Agreement

I agree to be a WIH Wellness Ambassador and do my best to promote wellness within my work environment. I acknowledge the time commitment it takes to attend quarterly meetings and the effort it will take to implement wellness programming in my department. If, for any reason, I am no longer able to serve in this role, I will do my best to pass my responsibilities on to a co-worker who could fulfill this role for our department.

I support the aforementioned as a WIH Wellness Ambassador and agree to allow for attendance at quarterly meetings. I look forward to assisting the aforementioned in the implementation of wellness programming in our department.